Melior est finis orationis quam principium.

21 May 2020

or, in a decent English translation, “The end of a matter is better than its beginning; likewise, patience is better than pride.” 1

This is the beginning of my venture into website building. I’m stumbling a lot at the moment, but the folks at Jekyll have made it a whole lot easier than trying to sit here and type a bunch of html. Thanks! Oh, and while I’m thanking people, I’m immensely grateful to Jonathan McGlone for putting together the website-building guide I followed! Also to Julian Thilo for putting together the guide to running Jekyll on Windows!

So now comes the part with the patience–slowly learning to use my tools, and to create something good and worthwhile here.

  1. That’s Ecclesiastes 7:8a NIV, in case you’re interested. Unless you’re using the Vulgate, in which case for some reason it’s Ecclesiastes 7:9a.